Circle of Women for who is it and how does it work?
“Circle of Women” 4-weeks online course is for every woman who;
• wish to grow emotional intelligence,
• empower self,
• invest in their own personal growth,
• share the journey with like-minded women.
“Circle of Women” is an online course for the right woman, desiring to invest in herself and have access to the following information and mentorship:
- Increase self-knowledge and know what questions to ask to know what is of highest importance and priority to you. Know yourself.
- Emotional IQ skills – dealing with guilt, fear, challenges and what you perceive as “in your way.” Develop the 5 habits of highly effective people.
- Self-empowerment – what are your authentic desires for your life? Connect to your highest goals and desires.
- Design your roadmap and action steps to get to your desired goals.
The format is as follow:
Each MONDAY, for 4 consecutive weeks, you will receive a 60 minutes teaching video from me plus worksheets to watch and complete in your own time. It is essential to complete this before the follow-up Q&A and support Zoom meeting the following THURSDAY.
The purpose of each THURSDAY 60 minutes Q&A and support Zoom meeting following each MONDAY’S teaching video is to share experiences, ask questions, and offer support to each other. This is an important call to attend as it is for your support. This is the true nature of a circle of women.
I will create a safe space for women to explore, share, learn and grow.
I will also invite you to the private and members-only Facebook Group “Circle of Women,” where we will form a community. You will receive daily inspirations and encouragement.
The cost is as follows:
For South Africans R4997-00.
That is USD 210 or EUR 265 or GBP 240 or $300. You get at least 8 hours of teaching, support, and growing. Click here to book your place.
I am committed to helping you reach the goals you will set for yourself. This is a valuable investment you are making in yourself in a safe space. Women grow best in the relationship of mutuality, and I am so inspired to facilitate an excellent experience for you.
Start date of Circle of Women: Tuesday, 1 September 2020 @14h00 UTC (UTC+2:00)
Let me know by the latest Friday, 28 August 2020, that you wish to join. I will welcome you with open arms in the circle.
Kind Regards