Distraction is the great destroyer of dreams. Why be busy being busy when you’re built to inspire the world?

And to do something extremely special for you to help you thrive in these messy times… Robin Sharma has given you access to his latest eBook, The World-Changer’s Manifesto for absolutely zero cost. Go ahead and claim your free copy here.

P.S. We’re also happy to provide you the transcription at no cost:

Hi, it’s Robin Sharma. There’s a lot of talk these days about the hustle and about the grind. Here’s an insight I want you to play with. What’s the point of hustling around the wrong things? I’m not criticizing in any way. I’m just observing. I see a lot of people hustling and marketing and working day and night, sort of like chickens running around with no place to go. If you look at the true craft person and I believe the absolute geniuses, they had a monomaniacal focus around doing just a few things. Rather than engaging in the trivial many, I would encourage you to work less and achieve more by dialing down on those few projects that will allow you to own your domain and change the world. Share this message with someone who needs to hear it, and I wish you all green lights.
