Resource Complete’s primary objective is to make a difference by helping people get jobs and to help companies get the best candidates for a specific position.

With the current retrenchments increasing in South Africa and worldwide, we strive to mitigate the negative impact these retrenchments have on people and companies. We cannot prevent or eliminate this, but we work with companies to limit the adverse effects on the people. We work with companies to create a platform whereby retrenched individuals receive support to be market-ready and have a much better opportunity in finding their next position at a company where the fit-for-purpose principle applies. RMRP (Resource Market Readiness Program) is the Resource Complete process to assist retrenched individuals. This program not only focuses on finding the “next best job”, but it prepares the candidates for the best applicable career. The program consists of a company-specific co-created solution that can include:

• Highly specialised online assessments supported by best in field Industrial Psychologists
• Outplacement programs
• CV alignment and coaching
• Interview coaching
• Development plan (career and personal)
• One-on-One coaching
• Career transition coaching
• Retrenchment workshops

Our practical advice to people currently in the retrenchment process:

• Register at Resource Complete and upload your CV
• Encourage your employer to get in touch with us to discuss the benefits to the company, and the people affected.

We encourage all affected to engage with us to mitigate the harmful impact on people, jobs and companies. Stay safe; stay positive!


Resource Complete Team