“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

– Tony Robbins

Have you ever started the year with grandiose New Year’s resolutions and later felt defeated when you found yourself falling back into old habits and routines?

Have you ever wondered why your New Year’s resolutions never work out for you no matter how hard you try?

New Year’s resolutions often do not work out for one reason: they are based on things that aren’t of high importance, value, and priority to you.

For example, if you set a New Year’s resolution to lose weight just because everyone around you has set weight loss goals, you are not likely to follow through with the action steps needed to get there.

Weight loss (health) has to be of high priority to you for you to make it happen.

On the other hand, if you place a high importance on building financial wealth, a New Year’s resolution to save more money each month has a much greater prospect of success.

Any goal you set must be aligned with what you value the most as you will be intrinsically inspired to achieve it.

So, what is of highest value to you? What inspires you to leap out of bed each morning, energized and ready to take on the day?

Answering these five questions can help you identify what you consider most important in your life:

  1. How do I spend most of my time when I’m awake?
  2. What do I love to talk about, so much so that I become extroverted when I am around people who speak to me about the same topic?
  3. What specifically do I spend most of my money on each month?
  4. What truly inspires me?
  5. What do I love to learn and read about?

Once you have answered these questions, you may find that your health, career, friends, family life, or finances is of highest priority to you. Setting goals that are based on these priorities will increase your chances of succeeding in these goals.

Anytime you set a goal and find yourself saying, “I HAVE to do it,” “I SHOULD do it,” “I NEED to do it,” “I MUST do it,” it is likely that the goal you are setting for yourself isn’t truly your own; it is largely influenced by other people.

When you set goals based on YOUR highest priorities, you feel confident, certain, and inspired. Your self-talk changes to, “I would LOVE to do it.”

What would you love to achieve for the year 2021?

Perhaps your previous attempts at goal setting have brought you heaps of disappointment when you expected to achieve your goals but didn’t.

Or perhaps you look at goal setting and think, “Argh, that’s just not for me. That’s meant for other people.”

But the truth is that we are setting goals whether we are conscious of them or not. We are setting goals in our minds through the things we constantly think about, through the things we would like to manifest.

What if you could manifest your heart’s deepest desires by taking the goals you think about and breaking them down into manageable, measurable, daily action steps?

What if you could see evidence of your heart’s deepest desires coming true every day?

There is no doubt in my mind that you CAN make it happen.

And if you are looking for some guidance on how to make it happen, email me at ilze@ilzealberts.com or send me a Whatsapp. I am here to serve you in my professional capacity and as a caring fellow human being. You don’t have to do it on your own anymore.

We can hop on a (free) discovery call to explore how you can set your GPS for an impactful 2021 with meaningful goals. Reach out to me as well if you wish to discuss your personal growth plan for this year. I offer a variety of services and products to help you.

This is absolutely your year to shine.

From my heart to yours,
